Thursday 10 February 2011

Entropic Monument

Institute of Climate

This century was predicted to be the age of energy’s sustainable control. The social and the civil impact under this new demand juxtaposed in a constantly changing natural environment. The recent years, the water- the fundamental source of life on earth-is under threat more than ever before according to scientific data about hydrology of planet. Consequently, approach the water and its properties as natural element we can’t separated it from the air or atmosphere. The word atmosphere consist by two words the ‘atmos’ which means steam and the sphere. The notion of atmosphere drives our minds to the physical process of water evaporation. Beyond this tight relationship between air and water probably the most significant aspect of water behavior on planet is what causes the recycling water process from solid ice to liquid and gas condition. Ultimately, an explicit interpretation of matter’s transformation is the temperature. The irreversible process of temperature’s transference from hot to cold is a branch of physics that is called Thermodynamics which deals with the energy and the work of a system.

We can imagine thermodynamic processes which conserve energy but which never occur in nature. For example, if we bring a hot object into contact with a cold object, we observe that the hot object cools down and the cold object heats up until an equilibrium is reached. The transfer of heat goes from the hot object to the cold object. We can imagine a system, however, in which the heat is instead transferred from the cold object to the hot object, and such a system does not violate the first law of thermodynamics. The cold object gets colder and the hot object gets hotter, but energy is conserved. Obviously we don't encounter such a system in nature and to explain this and similar observations, physicists proposed a second law of thermodynamics, the entropy. Although entropy is the statistical disorder of a system, for our architectural purposes let consider entropy to be an asymmetrical situation. There are different aspects when analyzing the entropy, such as composition in space which defined from factors of momentum and position.

Moving from geological scale to urban scale in particular East London's greater area of Beckton sewer plants where the site located between the river jetties and sewer plants.

Crack and Dome

The crack is a vessel type construction with its own air pressure, temperature and water level. Generally it works like reservoir.

Saltwater intrusion
Brainstorming Thesis Questions –Facts

I am trying to achieve a weather-climate model simulator evaporating the increased water before spread in the whole area.
Q: In which level (+m) is manageable the amount of water. Is it possible to calculate geologically from where it could be increase?
Q.The sea level rise—it increases consequence the water level in land? effects generally to aquifer of the area?
Underground canal system with connection to aquifer below. Or independent ‘cracks’?
The geothermal drills /holes produce seismic activity. The biggest that recorded was 3.7R in Cooper basin Australia.
Scenario: Infill Geothermal wells by increasing ‘sea level’ water and then return to atmosphere as steam. What happens if injecting saline water?
The temperature of ground water use in geothermal power stations ranges from 57 degrees Celsius (resent technology) to 180 degrees (previous technology).
Air pressure is influenced by number external factors , one of them is temperature.
Geothermal Map UK
Geothermal Plants UK /visit if is possible.
Naturally replaced geothermal well timetable (including the case of increasing aquifer)
Hot-dry-Rock geothermal technology
Ref: Social Project in US-Tennessee Dam : based on water’s energy management. See: Susan Ref.
The idea seems that consists a weather project.
Salinity in aquifer in case of sea level rise.
Study earth’s crust

Life creation under extreme air pressure. See science about life’s generation and the beginning of manipulation of it under air pressure, metabolic process.